Trick or Treat – a child physical therapy activity!

Trick or Treating around the neighborhood can be big journey for your child. A teli physical therapist shares some ideas on making it a safe workout!
A Child’s Workout along the Trick or Treat Trail
By Jeannine Moyer, teli Physical Therapist
Walking around the neighborhood is a good endurance workout for any child. Parents should be prepared for when little ones “run out of steam” by either limiting the distance the child needs to walk (only going to a few houses) or by having a stroller or wagon with them.

  • Trick or treating is a good opportunity for the child to practice walking up and down steps. Let your child do as much as they can on their own with reminders if needed, such as “hold the railing”. Stepping up is a good leg strengthening activity, so you’ll want to make sure they are switching legs to keep their muscle strength even.
  • For safety, make sure your child can see clearly when on steps. If they are wearing a mask that may impede their vision, have them remove the mask from their face when on the steps, then they can put it back in place once they get to the door.
  • Some costumes can be a hazard on stairs as well, such as long dresses or anything that restricts leg movement. Keep this in mind when choosing a costume, and you may need to make slight modifications to the costume to improve leg mobility.
