Behavioral Concerns in Children and What to Do!

HomeBlogChild Behavior ConcernsBehavioral Concerns in Children and What to Do!

You know the drill, you are trying to get out the door and your child decides it is time for a tantrum? Is there something really disturbing them or this a play for attention?

Your child doesn’t seem to have any interest in speaking. Is this because he doesn’t know how to form sounds or he just doesn’t feel like it?

Dee Sieffert, a Developmental Therapist for teli, has over 20 years of experience in Early Intervention and has helped many parents understand their child’s behaviors.

When a parent is faced with concerns about their child’s behavior, what is wrong may overshadow the good. The philosophy of Early Intervention at teli is to identify the best means to manage the situation by focusing on the good. “When parents are caught up in the negative, I try to help them see what is right with their child.” says Dee. “Celebrating success is important for the milestones in a child’s growth. Creating that positive reinforcement plays a big role in moving forward successfully.”

What are some ways parents can address typical behavioral challenges?

“In a great number of cases, my primary recommendation to parents is to reinforce discipline to help children to understand the consequences of their actions.” notes Dee. “This requires a great deal of patience and is the hardest part for parents. We problem solve together to find the right option. Using time out, redirection techniques and reinforcement of consequences are very useful ways for children to see the result of their actions. For older children, a simple behavioral chart that reinforces good choices can be effective.”

What if my child’s behavioral issues seem more severe?

When there appears to be deeper behavioral concerns, your pediatrician should be consulted and he/she will recommend the proper referral resource.  Dee has worked with many parents along that journey.  “As a Developmental therapist, I will help parents understand what to expect in the evaluation process on their way to eventually obtaining a diagnosis. In some cases, such as autism, the diagnosis can be freeing for a parent and help them understand that their child’s behavioral issues, are not due to their poor parenting.” comments Dee.

Dee knows the difficulty in parenting a child with behavioral problems. “I understand! We have all been there with our children at some point. Parents often feel powerless in these situations. I help them realize their ability to help by listening and building a trusting relationship with both the parent and the child.  That trust is essential to provide effective and appropriate therapy for their unique situation,” notes Dee. “My most rewarding experience is when I get that call from a parent whose patience has paid off!”

Learn more about teli’s Early Intervention services

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