Child Behavior Concerns

TELI early intervention therapists have identified specific things to look for and questions you may have with regard to child behavioral concerns.

occupational therapy teletherapy session
By Debbie Fekos, Occupational Therapist Understanding teli’s teletherapy during COVID-19 Your child has been approved for Early Intervention and you want to get started.  Learn about teli’s occupational therapy teletherapy sessions. What does a teli Occupational Therapy teletherapy session look like? An Occupational Therapist (OT) collaborates with parents and caregivers around the daily routines that...
parent talking to child
Helpful information on talking with your child about the coronavirus. This is a difficult time for all of us and for children especially as they see their routine changing drastically. The Center for Disease Control has provided suggestions on how to talk to you child about the Coronavirus.  While it is hard for toddlers in...
By Kim Morrow, teli Developmental Specialist and Jacquelyn Svitek, teli Occupational Therapist Planning an outing with your family? Trips to the park or the library or just the grocery store can be enjoyable for all involved.   For some children, a new experience or visiting a new place may be so exciting they may become overwhelmed...
can you spoil your baby?
Contributors:  Kay Donovan, Physical Therapist; Laura Funk, Occupational Therapist; Kristi Keele, Speech Language Pathologist; and Dee Sieffert, Developmental Specialist You are home with your newborn baby, and you are both getting used to each other. You are trying to understand their signals for basic needs; when they are hungry, wet or tired.  A baby’s cry...
Potty Training 101 By Kim Morrow, Developmental Specialist At teli, through our Early Intervention Services, our therapists help parents work through transitions as their child moves through normal developmental stages. A question that our teli developmental therapists hear on a regular basis is one that parents have been asking for ages: “When will my child...
Early Intervention Can Help with Your Child’s Holiday Tantrums
Authored by: Nichole Merz, Developmental Specialist Did you know tantrums are a form of communication? Communication comes in many forms through both words and actions. During the holidays lack of sleep or over stimulation may cause your child to communicate feelings through a tantrum. Developmental Specialists who provide teli Early Intervention services often suggest parents try...
A gentle touch can do wonders to help anyone feel loved and cared for.  For an infant that may be going through a fussy period or may be experiencing colic, a gentle touch can help to quiet them in the moment as well as nurture their growth and development, communication and learning. Vanessa Doherty, a...
teli logo believing in the possibility of every child
Are you concerned about your child’s behavior?  Typically, children may act out when they are stressed or scared, however if the behavior is extreme and occurring frequently something else might be At teli, we work with many children with developmental delays from birth to adolescence and in some cases, encounter childhood behavioral management challenges.  While...
You know the drill, you are trying to get out the door and your child decides it is time for a tantrum? Is there something really disturbing them or this a play for attention? Your child doesn’t seem to have any interest in speaking. Is this because he doesn’t know how to form sounds or...