
An Early Intervention Success Story


A diagnosis of epilepsy with associated developmental delays led this family to seek out support through teli’s Early Intervention services.

A five year old little boy with a strong determination to succeed!


Nelly was the first child of Shana and Vaunell, Sr. During the first few months of his life Nelly’s parents noticed that he did not control his head, was not rolling over like other children his age and was experiencing vision problems. When Nelly had a seizure at six months of age, he was diagnosed with epilepsy along with the developmental delays that Nelly’s parents were concerned about previously. At this point, Nelly’s doctor referred him to teli for Early Intervention Services.


Physical and occupational therapy were the first steps for Nelly, as Jennifer the teli Occupational Therapist started having him hold his bottle with a little help and in time on his own. Later helping Nelly make strides in strengthening and controlling his arm muscles and working on tongue and cheek movements to enable him to learn to chew and swallow food on his own. He was able to adjust to his walker, sit up in his chair and increase his head control. Nelly’s success was due in a large part to the partnership Shana had with the therapists as they helped her build her confidence in working with her son and having high expectations for him. Despite his vision problems, Nelly learned to use his other senses like hearing and sense of smell . When asked how teli has affected their lives, Shana replies “Without teli, we would be lost.”

“ Though Nelly still has a long way to go, the therapies he received through The Early Learning Institute helped him achieve developmental goals that originally seemed impossible. teli could answer my questions and help get equipment and help fit together the piece of the puzzle of life as a true advocate for the family and their child.”


Nelly was enrolled in the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children at the age of three and today is thriving.