
parent talking to child
Helpful information on talking with your child about the coronavirus. This is a difficult time for all of us and for children especially as they see their routine changing drastically. The Center for Disease Control has provided suggestions on how to talk to you child about the Coronavirus.  While it is hard for toddlers in...
At Home with Early Intervention
teli is your resource for activities to help keep your child learning! teli has gathered a wide range of activities to engage your child not only to reinforce Early Intervention recommendations but to help you and your family play together as we weather this time in our world.  Remember that play is a child’s work!...
Motor Plan Development and Early Intervention
By Callie Lodico, teli Physical Therapist As children grow they begin to build upon a host of skills that govern strength and movement to develop what physical therapists call a “Motor Plan”. This term describes the mastering of a combination of fine and gross motor skills that coordinate your body’s movement and enable you to...
blind sports for visually impaired children
Getting involved in sports for young children is a way to explore, learn teamwork, get great exercise AND have fun! We know that for young children with vision impairment, participating in sports might be challenging. A nonprofit organization, Envision Blind Sports is addressing this challenge and getting young children onto the field of play.  teli...
baby speech development
By Kim Morrow, Developmental Specialist Communication is an essential part of everyone’s world.  How you interact with others or how you express your needs are all important ways in which you relate to others in your environment.  While adults and children use words, babies communicate very effectively from birth without words. Infants express themselves through...
early intervention child work is their play
Are you wondering if your child’s development is where it needs to be?  teli knows that is a question that many parents often have when they observe other children’s behavior.  An early concern might be a child’s ability to pick up a Cheerio or grasp your finger.  These are some of the fine motor skills...
By Kim Morrow, teli Developmental Specialist and Jacquelyn Svitek, teli Occupational Therapist Planning an outing with your family? Trips to the park or the library or just the grocery store can be enjoyable for all involved.   For some children, a new experience or visiting a new place may be so exciting they may become overwhelmed...
child sensory backpack
By Kim Morrow, teli Developmental Specialist and Jacquelyn Svitek, teli Occupational Therapist Traveling to new places can be very exciting for a family. However, a journey outside the home for some children who may seek or avoid stimulation can lead to a stressful situation for both the parent and the child.  You know your child...
can you spoil your baby?
Contributors:  Kay Donovan, Physical Therapist; Laura Funk, Occupational Therapist; Kristi Keele, Speech Language Pathologist; and Dee Sieffert, Developmental Specialist You are home with your newborn baby, and you are both getting used to each other. You are trying to understand their signals for basic needs; when they are hungry, wet or tired.  A baby’s cry...
Transitioning from Early Intervention to Preschool
Change is difficult, especially for a child with developmental delays. As any parent knows, the transition from a child under your watchful eye at all times to entrusting your child to another caregiver can be a bit scary.  You know what they want, you understand their needs and you know their schedule. What challenges do...
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