
Reviewed & Edited by: Tracy Zeiler, M.Ed., Director of Early Intervention Choosing a child care program is a very personal decision.  It is also a bit overwhelming for parents with many factors to consider in addition to cost. Our teli staff has helped parents with this decision and suggests that there are three steps in the...
A Young Man’s Successful Journey! High school can be tough… the social circles, the academic pressure, the peer pressure.  It can be difficult for any child, but a child with an Autism diagnosis?  That adds a whole new level of challenge.  All because of Early Intervention Services provided more than 10 years ago by teli,...
Are you concerned that something just doesn’t seem right with your child? Have you talked to your health care professional about concerns such as your child’s lack of babbling, or poor visual connections with you, or oversensitivity to touch? While these are potential red flags for autism, there are no specific medical tests that can...
Potty Training 101 By Kim Morrow, Developmental Specialist At teli, through our Early Intervention Services, our therapists help parents work through transitions as their child moves through normal developmental stages. A question that our teli developmental therapists hear on a regular basis is one that parents have been asking for ages: “When will my child...
Ms. Wheelchair, USA – Heather Tomko In July of 2018, Heather Tomko of Whitehall, south of Pittsburgh, was crowned Ms. Wheelchair USA.  While she never imagined she would win when a college friend suggested she enter, Heather finds herself in a fantastic position to tell her story and raise awareness of people with disabilities. Heather’s...
By Rose McNeilly, teli Occupational Therapist In many families, grandparents are playing an increasing role in the care of their grandchildren. They have the experience in raising children that can be extremely helpful to a new parent!  As grandparents, you want to support your child realizing that things are a little different than when you...
Should I Be Concerned if My Child is Toe Walking? By: Alex Beschorner, teli Occupational Therapist and Cindi Hobbes, teli Physical Therapist Why do kids walk on their tip toes? Is toe walking something to be concerned about? Toe walking or walking on the toes or the ball of the foot, is common in children who are...
Is bedtime often a challenge for your child?  You can hear it now: “Just one more story Mommy!” “I need a drink of water Daddy!” “There is a monster under my bed!” At teli, through our Early Intervention services, our therapists work with parents to help them establish a routine that their child can begin to...
Early Intervention and Joint Attention – it takes two! Authored by: Kelly Beddall, teli Speech and Language Pathologist In an infant’s first few months, they begin to achieve developmental milestones that build the skills to communicate for a lifetime. It may not include words, but it does include another person!  An infant gazing at their...
early intervention and child sleep issues
Is bedtime a battle in your home?  The end of a long exhausting day for you and your child – and your child is fighting that sleep every step of the way. The exact reason your child is working hard to stay awake is exactly the reason  why sleep is so important to their well...
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